
swimming at dorset quarry vermont
Visit Dorset

Chartered in 1761, six miles north of Manchester you will find the quintessential town of Dorset. Picturesque with its white clapboard and green shutter building designs, the quiet hub of the town green, historic inns, and the state’s oldest country stores, you will find Dorset brimming with vibrant arts and outdoor living…


manchester community library fireplace
Focus on Manchester Community Library

Libraries across the country are undergoing an evolution. No longer simply repositories for books, libraries are seeking out reinvention as a means to better serve a more multifaceted purpose in response to the changing cultural, demographic, and technological trends. Modernized libraries are needed now more than ever before…

Letter From The Publisher

equinox hotel manchester vermont
Letter From The Publisher

Welcome to our debut publication of Manchester Life Magazine brought to you by Mountain Media, LLC., the proud publisher of Stratton Magazine. History reveals that for more than a century Manchester, Vermont has been the go-to place as a retreat to escape the bustle of city living. According to the Manchester Historical Society, Manchester, truly “a pleasant land among the mountains”…